Accredited Academic
Partner Programme

Unlock your students' full potential

PeopleCert partners with over 100 universities worldwide. As an academic partner, you gain access to a wide range of benefits and resources to enhance your curriculum, expand your offerings and deliver industry-recognised certifications to your students.

At PeopleCert, we believe in the power of education to transform lives and shape a better future. Our Academic Partner Programme supercharges institutions with industry-relevant certifications and equips students with skills to conquer the job market.

Why Partner with us?
Interesting facts
Higher income for graduates

90% of students believe industry micro-credentials will help them stand out to employers and get a job after graduation.

of employers value professional certifications

Certifications demonstrate expertise, relevance, and commitment giving students a competitive edge, enhancing their employability

of global universities offer professional certification.

Among US employers, 86% agree that (earning an) industry micro-credentials strengthen a candidate’s job application

Some of our partners from around the globe
Joining as a University Partner is a quick and seamless process. Once accredited, your institution gains full access to our complete portfolio.