Implementing the NIST Standards using COBIT 5

Implementing the NIST Standards using COBIT® 5 helps you understand the Cybersecurity Framework (CSF), its goals, the implementation steps and the ability to apply this information.

This module focuses on the Cybersecurity Framework (CSF), its goals, the implementation steps and the ability to apply this information. The course and exam are intended for individuals who have a basic understanding of both COBIT 5 and security concepts, and who are involved in improving the Cybersecurity programme for their enterprises.


Successful candidates will be able to:

  • Recognise the goals of the Cybersecurity Framework (CSF)
  • Understand and discuss the content of the CSF and what it means to align to it
  • Comprehend each of the seven CSF implementation steps
  • Apply and evaluate the implementation steps using COBIT5


Who is it for:

COBIT 5 is aimed at organisations of all sizes and all sectors. It is ideal for professionals involved in assurance, security, risk, privacy/compliance and business leaders and stakeholders involved in or affected by governance and management of information and IT systems, such as:

  • IT Managers
  • IT Quality Professionals
  • IT Auditors
  • IT Consultants
  • IT Developers
  • IT Operational Management
  • IT Business Leadership Management
  • Managers in IT Service providing firms

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Opcja Take2to możliwość ponownego podejścia to egzaminu dostępna w stałej, atrakcyjnej cenie.

Odkryj opcję Take2


  • 1

    Advance your career

    Get an important certification in IT Governance and boost your career prospects.

  • 2

    Develop sought-after skills

    Certify your understanding of the Cybersecurity Framework (CSF).

  • 3

    Deliver valuable service

    Learn how to guide improve the cybersecurity program for your enterprise.

INFORMACJE o egzaminie
  • COBIT® 5 Foundation Certificate

    In as little as 4 hours from booking via PeopleCert Online Proctoring. 

    Cena dla United States