PRINCE2® Foundation, 6th edition

The PRINCE2 Foundation Level provides an introduction to the PRINCE2 methodology and terms.

With PRINCE2 Foundation you get an introduction to the PRINCE2 method. It is designed to provide you with sufficient knowledge and understanding, to the PRINCE2 method well enough to be able to work effectively with, or as a member of, a project management team working within an environment supporting PRINCE2. The Foundation certification is also a prerequisite for the Practitioner certification.

Who is PRINCE2 Foundation for:

The PRINCE2® Foundation Certification is suitable for individuals who want to demonstrate they have sufficient understanding of the PRINCE2 methodology and can work effectively as part of a team or with a project management team within a PRINCE2 supporting environment.

The PRINCE2 Foundation Certificate is also a pre-requisite for individuals wishing to achieve the PRINCE2 Practitioner or the PRINCE2 Agile® certification.

Starting from 1 February 2022, exam vouchers for AXELOS Certifications, including PRINCE2 6th edition Foundation, will incorporate the corresponding Digital Core Guidance (eBook).  The Core Guidance eBook acts as a valuable source for candidates in their day-to-day work, long after their exam has finished. It becomes available in the candidate’s PeopleCert account, upon exam purchase and the candidate is able to take advantage of several features available like annotation, highlighting, etc. The PRINCE2® Foundation, 6th edition Core Guidance eBook is already available in many languages, with more to be added soon.

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  • 1

    Get more valuable skills

    Equip yourself with a highly-demanded certification in Project Management

  • 2

    Understand the PRINCE2 method

    Learn the best practice to be able to work effectively as member of team working within a PRINCE2 environment

  • 3

    Get set for the future

    PRINCE2 Foundation is the prerequisite for higher levels of Project Management certifications, like PRINCE2 Practitioner and PRINCE2 Agile®


    You can take your exam through one of the following global networks.  
