COBIT 5 Implementation

COBIT® 5 Implementation shows how to apply COBIT 5 to a range of business challenges and scenarios within an organisation.

COBIT 5 Implementation provides candidates with practical understanding of how to implement, apply and integrate COBIT 5 within an organisation, reducing business risk and improving business performance. Candidates will be able to:

  •  Effectively analyse business IT operations.
  •  Source the root of problem areas and implement change through scope and plan.
  •  Assess and resolve current process capabilities.
  •  Implement the latest good practices, in order to avoid future risk and process capability delay.

Who is COBIT 5 Implementation for:

COBIT 5 is aimed at organisations of all sizes and all sectors. It is ideal for professionals involved in assurance, security, risk, privacy/compliance and business leaders and stakeholders involved in or affected by governance and management of information and IT systems, such as:

  •  IT Managers
  •  IT Quality Professionals
  •  IT Auditors
  •  IT Consultants
  •  IT Developers
  •  IT Operational Management
  •  IT Business Leadership Management
  •  Managers in IT Service providing firms

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Opcja Take2to możliwość ponownego podejścia to egzaminu dostępna w stałej, atrakcyjnej cenie.

Odkryj opcję Take2


  • 1

    Advance your career

    Get a highly demanded certification in IT Governance and boost your career prospects

  • 2

    Develop sought-after skills

    Demonstrate your knowledge to implement, apply and integrate COBIT 5 within an organisation

  • 3

    Deliver valuable service

    Learn how to reduce business risk and improve business performance

INFORMACJE o egzaminie
  • COBIT® 5 Foundation Certificate

    In as little as 4 hours from booking via PeopleCert Online Proctoring. 

    Cena dla United States