PeopleCert SCRUM Master II

Driving team success with PeopleCert Scrum Master

PeopleCert Scrum Master II is the second level of the PeopleCert Scrum qualification scheme provided and is aimed at anyone who wishes to become an efficient leading member in Scrum work environment.

Working together

Scrum is an agile framework that helps teams work together to develop, deliver and manage complex software products. It increases team productivity by encouraging team players to learn through experiences, to self-organise and to continuously improve output. 

IT teams use Scrum to develop, deliver, and maintain complex software products. However, Scrum principles can be applied to all kinds of areas including research, sales, marketing, and customer support, amongst others. 

How does Scrum work?

Scrum uses an evidence-based framework that maximises the team's ability to respond to emerging requirements, deliver value quickly and adapt to new market conditions.

The goal of this approach is to understand and respond to customer needs in a timely manner and manage any other unpredictable challenge that may occur for which a sequential approach is not suitable.

With PeopleCert Scrum Master II, you will learn about

  • The mastery of the Scrum framework centered around the integration of roles, events, and Scrum philosophy, including and supporting the product backlog and sprint backlog 
  • The many soft skills necessary for the Scrum Master, such as servant leadership, facilitation, coaching and mentoring, problem solving, and removing impediments  
  • The key skills related to visual management for increasing transparency, inspection, and adaptation for success with your projects 
  • The importance of self-organizing, team building, team dynamics and virtual teams 
  • The most important skills for successful Scrum Masters that are applied through different Scrum events from initial planning to the final retrospective 
  • The crucial strategies for scaling Scrum projects with multiple teams and complex products 

Who is the PeopleCert Scrum Master II qualification for?

This certification is the second level of the PeopleCert Scrum qualification scheme provided and is aimed at anyone who wishes to become an efficient leading member in a work environment where Scrum framework is applied. With this certification professionals can demonstrate a solid knowledge and understanding of Scrum terms, principles, tools and practices as well as their ability to use tools efficiently and effectively.  

Example of typical job titles:

  • Software Engineer
  • Product Manager
  • Team Leader
  • Business Analyst
  • Development team member
  • Testers


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Odkryj opcję Take2

  • CREATED BY PeopleCert
  • LEVEL Advanced


  • 1

    Team building

  • 2

    Mentoring & Coaching

  • 3

    Soft Skills development

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    In as little as 4 hours from booking via PeopleCert Online Proctoring. 

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